Dealing With Fish Stress

These fish do not display signs of stress in the same manner as other animal but that does not mean that they do not experience it. When they experience distress their immune systems are compromised, they may change colour, and they will generally lack energy. There are a few things you can try if you think your fish is suffering from anxiety.

The easiest thing you can do to support your fish when they are experiencing stress is to change the water regularly. This will ensure that all of the levels of ammonia and nitrates will remain regulated. It also helps to remove toxins from the water that contribute to the negative impacts of distress. The temperature of the water also needs to remain regulated to help your fish stay happy and healthy.

Some of your fish may be suffering from anxiety due to other fish who are bullying them. If you notice any of the inhabitants in your tank acting aggressively it is a good idea to remove them from the environment. You may notice a significant improvement in the overall happiness of your fish. It is also incredibly important that the fish in your tank have enough room to grow and thrive. Not having enough space is one of the most common reasons that these fish become aggressive or distressed.

Another common reason these fish become anxious and suffer health issues is that they have not been introduced to their environment appropriately. To help your new shoal member get used to their new home there are a few things you should do. When you get home submerge them in the water still in the bag that you brought them home in. Leave them there for a few hours before releasing them into the water. This will help them get used to the water while also giving the other inhabitants the time to get accustomed to the new member.

Other things you can do to avoid distress in your tank is to make sure that your fish are well fed, there is enough room for everyone, and that you only keep species that are compatible with one another. It is also important for your tank to have good oxygenation levels and a proper filtration system.

Distress in your tank is something that cannot be avoided at all times. However, with some basic management techniques, you can reduce this phenomenon significantly.

How To Prevent Contamination From Dead Fish

If your tank has become contaminated by toxins or your pets are infected with a disease you may find a few dead animals in the tank. If you do, you will need to take control of the situation before it causes a big problem for the rest of your pets.

You need to be observing your tank on a daily basis. Keep track of the precise number you have of each species. That way if one goes missing you will be able to notice immediately. In the case that you are unable to spot one of your fish, you need to go into the tank and search for the deceased member of your shoal.

Due to the fact that your tank is filled with warm water that is rich in bacteria the body will begin to rot quickly. The decomposing body will cause contaminants to enter the water and puts the rest of your pets in jeopardy. Therefore, you will need to remove the corpse from the tank as soon as possible.

Once you have removed the unfortunate pet it is important that you examine its body. When you see things like ragged fins, a bloated abdomen, or diseased scales it is an indication that there is an issue in your tank that is causing disease or stress. However, if you are not able to remove the corpse from the tank in time it will not be possible to look at the remains. In that case, you need to make a careful observation of your remaining pets.

It is crucial that you take all of the contaminated material out of the water. After you have removed as much of this as possible you need to test the quality of the water. The results may indicate that everything is fine. Or it might show that there are serious problems with their environment. If you find an issue with the water quality you will need to do an emergency water change. However, in some cases, this may not be enough to resolve the damage. If you are at all unsure it is always a good idea to consult an expert who will be able to give you advice.

Finding a dead pet in your tank can have a serious effect on all of the occupants. Make sure that you remove all of the contaminated material and check your water quality to give the rest of your pets a chance to recover.

Ways To Prevent Fish Death In An Aquarium

There are several reasons why you may be finding your precious pets floating lifelessly in your tank. Old age, stress, or physical injuries are some of the most common causes. However, if you do notice something going wrong in your tank you need to take immediate action.

Some species will tend to develop a condition known as new tank syndrome when placed into a new environment. This occurs because the water is not yet balanced and there may still be some residual chemicals lurking in the back of the tank. Fortunately, this is a concern that can be addressed easily. You need to take regular water samples to ensure that your tank has the appropriate levels of ammonium, nitrates, and bacteria. If you find that it is out of balance a simple water change will help your pets to thrive.

When you do change the water make sure that the changes are not too rapid. As sudden disruptions could cause your pets to go into a state of shock. To avoid this make sure that you are only removing two or three cups of water at a time. Then wait a few days before repeating the process. By following this procedure you are giving your pets the time to adapt to the chemical changes in their environment.

Another common reason why your pets will fail to thrive in their tank is that of fluctuations in the water temperature during the day. Invest in a high-quality water heater and set out some time each day to check it. It is also a good idea to place your tank in a sheltered area that is out of the sun and away from windows.

Once you have ensured that the tank is optimally suited to the animals you are keeping it is time to look at the way you feed them. These are animals that only need to be fed a day. If you are giving them three meals a day you may be contributing towards their demise. The leftover food sinks to the bottom of the tank where it gets stuck in the gravel and causes bacterial overgrowth.

Finally, you should always provide your tank with adequate protection. Tanks that do not have properly ventilated covers are vulnerable to a variety of toxins entering the water. Always keep your tank closed and make sure that you wash your hands properly before working with it.

Although it may be distressing to discover that your beloved pets are dying there are a variety of things that you can do to help them thrive. By keeping them in a good environment with the proper conditions and following a few simple steps your friends will stay healthy.

Planning a Trip to the Aquarium

Aquariums exist all over the world and are a choice place to visit for couples, 

families, friends and individuals. Aquariums can be a great place to visit to learn about marine life, different fish and beyond being fun, they can be a very educational experience for visitors of all ages. If you are planning a fun vacation near, or just a day trip, to an aquarium, there are some considerations to make it the best trip possible and to cover all your bases for a fun, safe and memorable trip:

    • Crowds; weekends, holidays and school breaks are typically the busiest days for aquariums, especially those in big cities and tourist destinations. Also, the hours of 11 am to 2 pm tend to be considered the peak times. If you would like to avoid crowds, try going first thing in the morning or in the evening or right before closing.
  • Weather and climate; consider the aquarium and the setting. Some aquariums offer outdoor exhibits or activities. If you are planning on partaking in something such as swimming with dolphins, check the weather before buying tickets. Also, make sure that you dress for the weather to make the day as enjoyable as it can be. For warmer days, be sure to bring sunscreen and a lot of water.
  • Tickets; be sure to check prices, requirements and availability of tickets. Some aquariums require pre-purchase of tickets, some offer discounts if you buy them before or if you go later in the day. Also, some places provide line skip packages, parking packages or food packages, etc. Check the website before heading out. In and Out privileges are also something to consider, especially if you have young kids or are planning on bringing your own food.
  • Safety and first aid; make sure that you are aware of the risks that can be associated with a trip to the aquarium. As a precaution, there are apps such as which can be downloaded in case an injury or illness is incurred on a trip to the aquarium. There are also typically staff who are onsite and well trained and equipped to handle medical emergencies.
  • Photos; who wants to go to the aquarium and leave without some great photos of some cool fish, and so on? For the best photos, take pictures without flash for the best quality pictures. Also, avoid zooming for the sake of clarity.
  • The experience; check out the map and the different exhibits to make sure that you don’t leave without seeing everything you want to and that you came to see. Some aquariums are incredibly huge, and therefore it may be next to impossible to see everything, so prioritise and make a game plan.

Four Freshwater Fish Ideal For A Home Aquarium

According to the Ornamental Aquatic Trade Organisation, around 3.9 million homes throughout the country keep freshwater fish. There is a very good reason for this. Not only are they easy to take care of but they are beautiful and there are many different species to choose from.

One of the most popular species is known as the Neon Tetra. This brightly coloured creature requires little maintenance and are a good option for beginners. They grow up to 2.2 cm long and prefer living in a large group. Another great option is Mollies, growing a little larger to three or four inches, these peaceful creatures are excellent in a mixed tank. These omnivores breed easily so you should take care to only keep one sex in the tank.

The Discus makes a striking addition to any tank. They are another peaceful species but they do prefer a carnivorous diet. If you decide to include a Discus or two in your tank you should keep in mind that they tend to grow quite rapidlyand will need a large tank to accommodate their size. If you are looking for more of a challenge you may want to take on a Betta. These aggressive beauties do not tolerate other males of their species and could be quite destructive.

These species are not only good for beginners but they may just spark a new passion in you. Ensure that your tank meets all of the requirements for these species and you will be amazed by how well they flourish.

Fish That Can Live Well Together In An Aquarium

There is nothing as disappointing as investing a significant amount of time and money into a tank and then having the occupants not get along. That is why you should consider developing a community in your tank by only choosing species that will cohabitate in peace.

Some of the best species to keep together include Tetras, Cyprinids, Catfish, Mollies, and Angelfish. These varieties share similar temperaments and pH requirements. This means that they will be able to live together rather wellwithout becoming aggressive with one another. Although there are many other varieties that may do well together it could take a little bit of experimentation and research to find a combination that works for you.

To ensure that your tank remains happy and successful make sure that it will be able to house all of the animals after they have grown to their full sizes. Another important aspect of maintaining a community tank is the size of your shoals. Most of these species prefer to live in groups of no more than six of their own kind. With these simple steps, you will be able to keep a tank happy and healthy for as long as you possibly can.